Electric Aggregation Provides Residents Options on Energy

Electric aggregation is on the minds of residents in municipalities all over central and southern Illinois. And for many of them, a vote is coming on April 9 to determine if the residents in those areas will be able to negotiate lower energy rates by banding together to buy electricity through wholesale providers. To facilitate in the process, many municipalities hired Good Energy, an electric aggregation consulting firm.
Should the communities of Bloomington, Clinton, Gridley, McLean County, and Monticello vote yes to their respective aggregation plans, it does not mean that all residents must take part in the change. Every contract allows for an opt out clause, which allows residents to opt out of the aggregation. Good Energy consultant Jerod McMorris explained that residents will be sent an opt out notice from the winning energy provider once the final contract has been signed.
Households which remain in the aggregation will be locked into a guaranteed rate. Rates are guaranteed through the winter and summer, which helps customers to avoid the changing summer and winter rates.
McMorris will be hosting meetings all throughout the area over the coming weeks, discussing the benefits of municipal aggregation. He will be at the Livingston Center in Monticello on Monday at 6 pm. He will be in Clinton on Tuesday at a Rotary club meeting held at the American Legion at noon, then at a Kiwanis Club meeting at 6 pm. On Wednesday, March 27 at noon, McMorris will be in Monticello with the Monticello Rotary Club at the Monticello Library. And his last stop will be to meet with the Young at Heart Group at First Christian Church in Clinton at 10:30 am on April 3.
For more information on municipal aggregation, click here. For the full article, see below.