
For communities that passed the Electric Supply Proposition, what are the six things they can expect?

Now that your community has passed and accepted Municipal Aggregation, when can you expect your electric rates to drop?  Here is a list of the six things that will be happening.
  1. Your community will hold, or will have already held, two public hearings to approve the Operation of Plan and Governance, which details the way the program will operate. If you have any questions or wish to discuss with your municipal officials, we recommend you attend these hearings.
  2. Good Energy will send bids to electric suppliers for the 55 communities it represents. That is approximately 220,000 households!
  3. Closed Bids will be opened in the presence of community leaders on December 11, 2012.
  4. On December 11th, the municipal leaders from each participating community will decide  which supplier best meets the needs of the community with regard to price, the term of the contract, and whether or not the electricity supplied will be renewable (green), and/or have a percentage of renewable electricity included.
  5. Between December 18, 2012 and January 4, 2013 residents will receive two letters from their municipality which will include the winning offer rate and the approximate percentage of savings as compared to default rates offered by Ameren. Compare this rate to your current Ameren rate and you can see the savings! In the unlikely event that the resident does not wish to participate, the resident must send one of the two letters back indicating that they do not wish to enroll. There is no penalty for not enrolling. 
  6. New electric supply rates will begin in January or February (dependent on your meter read date on your Ameren bill) and will be reflected on following month's Ameren bills.
It's that simple! Just sit back and relax, there's nothing to do. Enrolled residents will continue to receive the same quality service from Ameren and only one bill from Ameren. Your savings are on the way!

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