Vote Planned on Consultant for Danville Electric Program

The Danville City Council will vote on a recent proposal submitted by Good Energy, which would name them a municipal aggregation consultant for the city. Mayor Scott Eisenhauer has already endorsed the proposal, saying he feels the Good Energy proposal is in the best interest of residents. The council will meet at 6pm on Tuesday in the Robert E. Jones Municipal Building, 17 W. Main St.
Eisenhauer considered bids from six firms when they decided to pursue electric aggregation as a city. After reviewing the bids, he cut them down to two. Between the two, he decided to endorse the Good Energy proposal.
The proposal states that Good Energy will be responsible to educate the public about municipal aggregation and to explain why a second vote is needed in Danville. They will also be responsible to collect the bids from the wholesale energy companies, to negotiate the rate and terms of the contract, and to help the city receive the best rate on electricity in future negotiations. What’s more, says Eisenhauer, the contract will cost the city nothing. Should the referendum on April 9 fail, Good Energy will cover their own associated costs. But if the referendum passes, Good Energy will affix a negligible 0.0075 cents per kilowatt hour fee to the lower per kilowatt hour rate.
Vermilion County recently aggregated, signing a contract with Integrys. Due to a recent governmental decision, the residents of incorporated cities are not included in the contracts of counties, however Integrys offered the contract on an opt in basis to residents of Danville. Under the terms of the aggregation, which Vermilion County did without the help of a consultant, residents can obtain a 4.26 cent per kilowatt hour rate lock. By contrast, Good Energy secured a rate lock of 3.9999 cents per kilowatt hour in Champaign County through a group aggregation with other Good Energy clients.
For more information on municipal aggregation, click here. For the full article, see below.